December Birthstone: Blue Zircon

december-birthstoneBlue Zircon, thought by many to be relatively new to the gem market, has been with us for many centuries. In the middle ages zircon was worn to promote riches, honor and wisdom. It was also believed to drive away plagues and evil spirits. The name is believed to originate from the Persian word “Zargun:” , which means “ “gold colored”, due to the yellow color of the stones found there. Blue Zircon gained popularity in the 1880’s and was used extensively in Victorian jewelry. Primary sources for zircon include Sri Lanka, Kampuchea, Burma, Thailand, and Australia. Zircon is the birthstone for the month of December and is designated for the 7th wedding anniversary. Almost all blue and colorless zircons have been enhanced by heat treatment.

R.I.: 1.810-1.984
S.G.: 3.93-4.73

November Birthstone: Topaz and Citrine

november-birthstoneTopaz gets its name from the island Topazios in the Red Sea. Topazios is a Greek word meaning to guess. This suited the island well as it was often obscured by fog, making it difficult for early navigators to find. The ancient Greeks believed topaz bestowed strength to its wearer. It was worn as an amulet to ward off enhancement, dispel sadness and strengthen intellect. Topaz was believed to assure beauty, fidelity and long life. Until the late 16th century all yellow stones were called topaz. Topaz occurs naturally in many colors; yellow, orange, brown, red, pink, light blue, pale green, and colorless. The blue shades (sky, Swiss and London) are very popular in jewelry today. Sources include Brazil, Mexico, Pakistan, the US, Sri Lanka and Russia. Some of the yellow, orange and brown topaz are heated to produce pink or red. All blue topaz is irradiated and/or heated to attain its blue color. Topaz is the birthstone for the month of November. Blue topaz is designated for the 4th wedding anniversary while imperial topaz is given for the 23rd.

R.I.: 1.619-1.627
S.G.: 3.53 (+/- .04)

Citrine is a variety of the mineral quartz. Most citrines are hot treated amethysts or smoky quartz. Natural citrines (unenhanced) are mostly a pale lemon yellow color. The name citrine is derived from the French word “citron”, which means lemon. Citrines are found primarily in Brazil. They are available in a wide variety of shades ranging from pale yellow, to gold, to Madeira, which is orange to brownish orange.

R.I.: 1.544-1.553
S.G.: 2.66 (=/- .01)

October Birthstones: Opal and Tourmaline

october-birthstoneOpal takes its name from the Latin word “Upala” meaning “precious stone”. Pliny, a learned roman scholar, described opal as having “the fire of the carbuncle, the brilliant purple of the amethyst and the sea-green color of the emerald, all shining together in incredible union”. The Romans believed opal was the symbol of hope and purity. They called it “cupid paederos” (child as beautiful as love) and thought the wearer safe from disease. The Arabs believed that opals fell from heaven in flashes of lightning and thus acquired their marvelous play-of-color. Ancient Greeks also believed the opal should be treated with care due to their fragile nature. Opal is the birthstone for the month of October and is designated for the 13th wedding anniversary.

R.I.: 1.43-1.47
S.G.: 1.97-2.20

Tourmaline takes its name from the ancient word tourmaline which means, “mixed precious stones.” Pink tourmaline (along with opal) is the birthstone for October. Green tourmaline is designated for the 10th wedding anniversary and rubellite for the 17th. Tourmaline occurs in all colors as well as colorless. Familiar varieties include rubelite (deeper shades of pink to red), indicolite (blue), chrome (intense green) plus bi-colored and parti-colored (multiple colors within the same stone). Tourmaline is found mainly in Brazil, Africa and the U.S.

R.I.: 1.624-1.644
S.G.: 3.01-3.21

September Birthstone: Sapphire

september-birthstoneSapphire is a variety of the mineral species corundum. Sapphires occur in all colors of the rainbow with the exception of red, which is ruby. The name sapphire is derived from the word sapphiros, which was actually used for lapis lazuli in Roman times. Sapphires are commonly heated to improve color and reduce cloudiness that is caused by rutile inclusions. Sapphire is the birthstone for the month of September. Blue Sapphire is designated for the 15th wedding anniversary, golden sapphire for the 50th , while fancy sapphires (all colors except blue) are given for the 30th year. Today, sapphire is mined in Australia, Sir Lanka, and Thailand. Other producers are Burma, Kampuchea, Kenya, and Tanzania.

R.I.: 1.762-1.770
S.G: 4.00

August Birthstone: Peridot

august-birthstonePeridot comes form the Arabic word “faridat”, which means gem. In the 18th century the French were the first to call this yellowish-green stone peridot. Peridot was called topaz until the 18th century. As early as 1500B.C. the Egyptians used peridot as a gem, and it was considered the “gem of the sun”. It was believed, to develop its full strength as a talisman., it had to be set in gold. Legend tells us that miners searched for peridot crystals at night, as moonlight made them easier to see. They would mark the location and come back in the daylight to dig them up. Peridot is the birthstone for August and is designated for the 3rd wedding anniversary.

R.I.: 1.654-1.690
S.G.: 3.31-3.48

July Birthstone: Ruby

july-birthstoneRuby comes from the Latin word “rubber” which means red. An ancient Indian language called Sanskrit used the word ratnaraj meaning “king of gems” to describe this beautiful stone. Ruby is the red variety of the corundum family. There are many legends about the ruby. It was believed that the wearer of a ruby was blessed with health, wealth, wisdom and outstanding success in affairs of the heart. According to an ancient verse of uncertain origin, “The gleaming ruby should adorn,, All those who in July are born, For thus they’ll be exempt and free, from lover’s doubts and anxiety”. Ruby is the birthstone for the month of July and is designated for the 40th wedding anniversary. Rubies are routinely heated to eliminate purple and brown overtones and to improve clarity by rutile needles.

R.I.: 1.762-1.770
S.G.: 4.00

June Birthstone: Alexandrite/Pearl

june-birthstoneAlexandrite has been described by poets as “emerald by day and ruby by night” due to the show of color change from green, in florescent (day) light, to red, in incandescent (spot) light. Alexandrite, chrysoberyl , is named for Alexander II,  Czar of Russia. It was reportedly discovered in the Ural Mountains of Russia on Alexander’s birthday in 1830. Today, Alexandrite is found primarily in Brazil, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, India, Russia and Africa. This unique stone needs no treatments to enhance its natural beauty. Alexandrite is the birthstone for the month of June and is designated for the 55th wedding anniversary.

R.I.: 1.746-1.755
S.G.: 3.73 (+/-.02)

Pearls have long been prized around the world. Ancient texts show high regard for these gems of the sea. Pearls have always decorated crowns and robes of queens and kings. Native Americans adorned themselves with pearls fished from coastal waters and inland rivers. Without cultured pearls, the n=beauty of pearls would not be available to most consumers today. True spherical cultured pearls came only in the late nineteenth century after long efforts by Japanese researchers. Cultured pearls are available in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors. Cultured freshwater pearls have become increasingly popular in recent years. Available in spherical and irregular shapes, these pearls are both affordable and attractive.

R.I.: 1.52-1.66
S.G.: 2.60-2.78

May Birthstone: Emerald

may-birthstoneEmerald is a variety of the mineral species beryl. Other members of the beryl family include aquamarine, morganite and heliodor (golden beryl). The earliest recorded mines were located in ancient Egypt. Emeralds occur in light to dark shades of yellowish green to bluish green. Inclusions are acceptable in emeralds, and in stones of intense green color with little or no inclusions can command very high prices. Emeralds are frequently oiled to enhance their beauty. This process is routinely performed on stones with internal fractures that reach the surface. Today emeralds are found in Colombia, Zambia, Brazil, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Afghanistan, Russia and Australia. Emerald is the birthstone for the month of May and is designated for the 20th and 45th wedding anniversaries.

R.I.: 1.577-1.583
S.G.: 2.67-2.84

March Birthstone: Aquamarine

march-birthstoneAquamarine is the blue to greenish blue variety of beryl. The name is derived from a Latin word meaning “seawater”. The people of the middle ages believed aquamarine had magical powers that would give them insight, foresight and the ability to conquer wickedness. It was also used as a cure for eye troubles, respiratory diseases and hiccups. Found primarily in Brazil, aquamarine is also mined in Madagascar and Africa. Aquamarine is commonly heated to eliminate green undertones. The typical size of aquamarine is a wide range from small to large, and stones are commonly seen in 10-3- carat sizes. Aquamarine is the birthstone for March and is designated for the 18th wedding anniversary.

R.I.: 1.577-1.583
S.G.: 2.66 (+/- .01)

February Birthstone: Amethyst

february-birthstoneAmethyst, according to legend, originated when Bacchus, the god of wine, grew angry at mortals. He vowed the next mortal that crossed his path would be eaten by tigers.  At that time, a beautiful young maiden named Amethyst was on her way to worship the goddess Diana. Diana knowing of Bacchus’ vow, turned Amethyst into a pillar of colorless quartz to protect her from the tigers. Bacchus, witnessing the miracle, repented and poured wine over Amethyst, staining her purple. This connection with Bacchus led to the belief that drinking wine from an amethyst cup would prevent drunkenness. Also considered an aid to the brave. Amethyst was believed to protect soldiers in battle, capture wild beasts and make it’s owner shrewd in business matters. Very dark stones are sometimes heated to lighten and intensify color. This member of the quartz family is the birthstone for the month of February and is designated for the first wedding anniversary.

R.I.: 1.544-1.553
S.G.: 2.66(+/-.01)